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OCR: I.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND - Unpublished: use, duplication or IRIX® 6.5.5 nt regulan Overlays (2 of 2) August 1999 ESTATEM YS DeOTey JaOSST ILGI OBLO WUDE Format: 812-0819-005 inst (file system) Sequence No .: 101 Notes: WELVLEC - CV @ Copyright 1987-99 - No Installation Tools Silicon Graphics, Inc. - Contains User-Mountable. All'Rights Reserved. Filesystem Date released: 08/99 sgi disclosure of the software on this FAR 52.227-18.(6) (2) afoot in similar or successor clauses in the FAR or other applicable Government Procurement regulation Government is subjecto the no disclosure or the software on this CD by the Government is subject to the restrictions in ran Sz.227-13. (C) (z) and/or in